What are you watching?

The way I see it is that Farage isn’t going to go away until he’s given enough rope to hang himself, which he will. It’s a bitter pill to swallow but to allow him into frontline politics might just be the way to get rid of him.
Mind you, I said similar about Bozo and he lasted longer than i thought or liked.


Dorries really is a shameless old shrew, sat there with clueless clown Kwarteng, hope Maitless keeps ripping the cnuts :grin:


Harriet is dropping a few quality statements.


Wow. If the current trend is anything to go by politics in this country are due for a huge shake up.

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This is crazy. Reform are gonna come a close second place.

Definitely possible. From speaking to people up north I knew they were going to do well but this is quite worrying.

Forgot to mention it in my earlier post, anyone here dig Twin Peaks? I’ve just managed, for the first time, to get through the whole of Season 2. Crazy how half of it could have been skipped.


OG twin peaks or the 2nd coming?

Huge fan here. Watched the second season with my daughter last year and did explain that half of it is to be endured. A great finale though when the last two episodes were directed by Lynch and Frost. Almost peak Lynch.

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@walshtron The OG. I have S3 all ready to go of which i’ve already seen a couple of of episodes when it first came out. I’m doing it for completionism.

@LazySimon I could have really done without the James and Ben Horne arcs.


Absolutely! I think it’s widely accepted that those two storylines were non starters. On a positive they did serve to highlight the brilliance and excitement of the final episodes.

I thought season 3 was out of this world fantastic.

Definitely worth going all three seasons in order, back to back bingeing :joy:

Btw I made a replica red room club chair for my daughter for christmas. A real labour of love.


That’s fantastic. True fans.


Sherilyn Fenn :heart_eyes:


That’s a work of art mate.


Andy was in town a few weeks ago. It was an easy setup as we sat in front and he knows I play violin. True story!


Cool I remember when I posted a clip few years ago someone said that he was a friend…

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Going to watch Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces before diving into S3.

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Loved Twin Peaks :slight_smile: It has some weird arcs, but it was riffing/satirising on those daytime soaps that were so popular at the time like Passions and BATB. It’s great how it swings from cheesy weirdness and teenage emotion with theme songs for different characters to really quite sinister and dark.

I love how a simple repetitive cutscene of wind blowing through douglas fir trees at night ends up being so effective at creating mood and tension.


Angelo Badalamenti was like a main character through the whole thing. Superb. I really loved the live acts to end the episodes at the Bang Bang club too, Chromatics and the like.
When James comes back to perform You and I, Wow!

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Oh, I had forgotten that Italians Do It Better had got involved.

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