What are you listening to now, I mean right now in this moment?


Brilliant overviewā€¦great to see Jiro back on NTSā€¦ BYE!!


Hard to pick oneā€¦

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Heā€™s always been a great selector and still on it. Saw a show of his from last year randomly pop up in the suggestions so gave it a listen. This track was enough for my partner to stick her head round the door with a very raised eyebrowā€¦


Messy Mix 19 | The Mystical Forest Mix (by Pleasure Voyage) by The Messy Mix on #SoundCloud

The new article on the Woo ā€œMusic to watch seeds growā€ album prompted me to search for this lovely remix they made a few years ago, which is now accompanying early Sunset beautifully.

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None so heavy :fist:


45 years old, way ahead of itā€™s time


The joy of pulling out random records that youā€™ve forgottenā€¦


Palms Trax on a very TP tip (at times)

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Was just about to post this one, love jiros shows!

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Great Friday tackle

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Live recording from the Hi Fi Party at Are You Affiliated NYD 2025:

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proper metal dance, ultra panel beaters from Mainz.

This in 1992, fucking hell. The two Colins did so much for techno music in this country bringing this sort of stuff to our attention.
walk on base


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Used to love Outer Limits on Kiss fm. It was on at crazy oā€™clock and would always deliver.

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so much experimentation during that period. a lot of the hard stuff today is just fast and hard for the sake of being fast and hard. But thereā€™s no scuzziness, no fuck upedness.

This one from Chris Jeffs aka Cylob, so psychotic but also joyous at the same time.

On the topic of cylob, lovely spaced out AI funk masterpiece

Nice! Pre-ordered

I think @Pauleast77 does a really good job with the interview. Letā€™s Mark express himself without forcing sound bites out of him and, honestly, Iā€™m probably more of a Mark Seven fan now than I was before the interview. I enjoyed him being honest about wrestling with his limitations and how he uses records to illuminate his process as he makes the records. Well done Paul, itā€™s an excellent show and one that says to us all, just start creating, donā€™t be shy about wearing your influences on your sleeve and stick to your guns.

Plus the music is obviously brilliant throughout,