Small Claims Court

Flying back from Portugal back in the 90s, slightly hungover. Looked to my right and in the queue for Manchester was no other than Deirdre Rachid aka Deirdre Barlow, smoking what looks like a Superking though couldn’t confirm.


:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: He was really sound. He was there talking about Arsenal.

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Sean Penn circa 2013. I was stretching post-jog in the Seattle Olympic Sculpture Park and he came walking down the steps smoking a cigarette. Went up and asked what he was doing in town–it turns out his friend Tim Robbins is in a band that was playing in Seattle that night. Short and moody fellow, as expected lol


I used to work in film so lots of encounters but won’t go there. I have two outside that arena that I like.

'89 was in my mates Tr7 driving through London. It broke down on a busy road, before we knew what was happening a guy helped me push the car off the main road, it was Bob Geldoff, he said “turn down here I have a mate lives here, you can use his phone to call AA”. His mate did indeed live right there. Dave Stewart came to the door and let us use his phone. We were gobsmacked, both so normal and generous.

About 2000, I Had finished my Friday night gig and went to a favourite little hotel bar that was near where I lived and frequented late at night. That night Goldie and his posse(must have been touring Australia and staying in hotel)Came down to the bar and were told that they won’t be served due to earlier trouble. My mate and myself were looking on from around the bar, they all took offence to this and started approaching us menacingly, Dave the barman who came from Acton and was built like a brick with eyes vaulted over the bar and came to our rescue(no-one was going to take on Dave). I also had a great night in that bar with members of Slipknot, very polite young men.


Here I am playing Ping-Pong with Marina Abramovic. She spent Christmas/New Years with us that year by the beach near São Paulo. It rained for the whole week we were there but we had great conversations and she remains a family friend.

I held a door open for Paul McCartney in NYC without realizing it was him until my friend who was staring at me managed to find his words and pointed out who it was.

Also played ping pong with Norah Jones in NYC at Fat Cat once, with a few other less known jazz musicians there, too. She beat me.


I would have let Norah Jones beat me too.

You should start a YouTube channel. Ping pong with the stars.


C list alert.

We were at Pikes for DJ Harvey of course and before that we had booked dinner there. There was a very loud American dude behind us. I tried to block him out and my wife who was facing him rolled her eyes a few times when he was being particularly annoying, she had no idea who he was. A couple (not even that young) then arrived on the next table to us and were a bit too excited about the American dude and she was trying to get her fella to go and say hello to him. It was all getting awkward. And who were they overly excited about you ask. Wait for it…Callum Best.

By the way the food was amazing. It was a menu chosen by Harvey himself and was very spicy. Weirdly the pills we took post meal took about a minute to come up. We put that down to the spices. Well done Harvey. Ace night as expected and even had a couple of people tell us Callum Best and a bloke from Hollyoaks were there. I was also confused as to why so many blokes had moustaches until my wife pointed out they were fake ones as people were dressed up as Freddie Mercury. Weirdos.


Weirdly I just keep remembering ‘Small Claims’ since this thread appeared, once chatted to Martin Fry in our local The Clifton, super nice down to earth chap.

We used to meet Jeffrey Palmer every year for about a decade at a Hotel in the Borders, our lads annual fishing trip coincided with his. Used to take the piss out of us for not catching and being aresholed all the time. His wife was incredulous when she found out one of us’s mrs was due that day and we were 7 hours away and slaughtered on the first day our the weeks fishing. Never talked about anything other than fishing, great company.


Met Nora Batty from Last of The Summer Wine at a Pig Roast when I was 7


We stay in the same apartment right up over the hill in San Antonio as Dean Gaffney and a few day after we moved to Figueretas The Gaffster was arrested for assault. He pushed the old landlady to the ground after some late night shenanigans…


Pushing the landlady?
Gaffney’s Wellard


It made all the tabloids I must try find the article

My friends & I were having a kick about once, “Tucker Jenkins” was walking past and joined in. He was a few years older than us and hogged the ball outrageously.

I had to call Gwen Guthrie early in the morning once, and woke her up. She was very nice about it.

Stirling Moss once ran over my foot at Goodwood whilst driving a small buggy kind of thing. It surprisingly didn’t hurt at all, and gave me a chance to say “who does he think he is, Stirling Moss”.


Ended up at Heavy Disco one night, don’t know where it was but it was upstairs of an old pub.

Anyway, I was sitting on the window ledge listening to Diesel do his thing and this guy approached me trying to score.


He was fucking melted and didn’t deserve nothing.


Ha, he ended up coming back to The Lodge with us and it all got very messy…:rofl:


I once had a lovely chat with Moe Tucker after bumping into her in Kensington Market. Made my day as I was a massive VU fan.


Ha! Were you their too? Only Record I remember standing out was Shake Your Body Down. Sounded ace mind.

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Yeah, was upstairs at The Mason’s Arms if I recall. Used to love those Heavy Disco parties.

You could be right - I was with Seiji going to the co-op originally but took a detour.

Must say it was decent in there, although it felt like the ceiling could cave in at any time.

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I went to an Ultramarine gig in the 1990s where Mixmaster Morris was the support. I saw him arrive and freaked out a bit (I was quite a shy indie kid at the time) and ended up asking him for his autograph! He was totally nice about it but seemed quite baffled and said no-one had asked him for one before and wasn’t sure who to sign as; “Mixmaster Morris” or his real name. I suspect no-one has asked him since.

I also posted a letter for Johnny Ball when I was about 3 years-old.