Safety Time - Fentanyl Etc

Moving the conversation about fentanyl to here as well it may make us a bit more safe. What’s the drug they say you now need to carry…


Found it. It was @casual saying ‘ [quote=“Casual, post:1213, topic:1385, full:true”]
In New England it’s not uncommon for doctors to start telling parents of middle schoolers to buy Naloxone for their kids and show them how to use it.

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I still don’t really get why a dealer would mix fentanyl with another product on purpose. Ie coke cut with fentanyl. Drugs that kill people don’t generally make for a good business plan.


A couple useful links :

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If dosed correctly it won’t kill their customers and is highly addictive so they get more return business.

It’s a calculated risk done by people higher up the chain i am gonna guess, the dealers selling it to the end users are maybe not adding themselves, or maybe everyone is adding it at every stage of cutting and this is why we are getting the problem?

I am sure nobody is planning on killing their customers, but the risk to reward is so high with this type of thing that people are willing to take the risks for the cash.

Have there been other instances of popular drugs suddenly being cut with something that kills people like this? I am struggling to think of a similar type of situation.

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I think much of it comes down to sloppiness eg these drugs aren’t being mixed/cut in a laboratory free of contaminants. Given the potency of fent you only need a few milligrams to make a lethal dose….


I said in another thread I never saw it Pop up in Coke when tested as Coke., didn’t take much searching to prove that comment wrong… :confused:

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This is worth a listen on the topic

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Is this becoming an issue in the UK?


I don’t think so , it’s Mexico and China flooding America and Europe’s heroin has been coming for centuries from Afghanistan and Pakistan through Iran Tuckey ect and Into Europe. Mexican cartels don’t have much pull in Europe so they are more interested in Australia and New Zealand now where prices are ridiculously expensive for cocaine


My current TV guilty pleasure is Border Force, terrible 90s DVD aesthetic but gives you a clue as to Australia/NZ importation (coke from Columbia, heroin & meth precursors from Thailand/Vietnam/India). Love watching them catch mules with zero clue. (Sorry.)


I think it is for Heroin users in the North East. At the moment.


Is this a consequence of the war in Afghanistan destroying a lot of the heroine production over there? And now it makes way for fentanyl cut herion to come in from elsewhere. Think I heard that somewhere


It can be bought on line for 5k a kilo so it will pop up from time to time by people ordering off the DW. A kid in cork few years ago ordered what he thought was going to be Coke for is graduation ball and was found dead in his own room after trying what turned out to be fentenl. There’s something else being mixed with heroin here in Ireland at the moment causing a lot of ODs it’s another opioid but not fentenl…


The rise of these online synthetics is terrifying.


I think anyone trusting drug dealers (from cartel down to the pusher) caring about the quality (purity) of their product is being naive, at best.

Fentanyl is cheap, addictive, and easy for them to buy. I’m surprised it’s not in everything by now.

Thankfully I don’t touch any of the stuff, not even weed, but I’m scared for my friends who do.


Mexico had its own poppy plant and black tar heroin was what they would make and ship to America it was everywhere and very cheap, took months to grow and produce, fentenl can be mixed up over night with chemicals and shipped the next day…

And the Chinese are involved with laundering all the millions of $$$$$$$

Both Countries are not fans of the US…

Yep, coke is currently $350 a bag in Oz. Quite the motivator for badness.

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