Mix link dump come one come all

Just look at that set list!!!


Tee Scott enough said!


Set aside 7 hours for the master Mancuso!


That Gemini mix is the bizness, listening to it now, halfway thru it, pure HOUSE :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yep and he’s working the shit out of those records.

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I meant to say, is that still him after about halfway? Seems to change, maybe just me?

Yeah, i noticed a change as well, tempo drops a bit & mixing isn’t as tight.

As far as I know. I think maybe the adrenaline just wore off a little bit!

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:wink: Hard to keep up that kinda frenzy…

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lord sabre

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Messrs Weatherall and Sherwood from 2012, marking 50 years since Jamaican independence.

Premo catching major wreck on my 18th birthday. Still have my tape of this.


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new one for our campaign from the lovely Ken Hidaka who alongside Max Essa and Dr Rob are responsible for the amazing Oto No Wa selected sounds of Japan compilation,
Ken Hidaka / Dartmouth Arms / Support Your Local mix

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Cracker of a mix from Bill Brewster for our Chill Out Tent event last Sunday, a proper chug fest :slight_smile:


Here are all the records from the Gemini mix that I was able to find on YouTube:



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Brand new Sanky mix full of sublime late night synthpop numbers old and new, mostly downtempo and largely Shazam-resistant. Not a clunker in sight. On my third listen currently. I’m tempted to give this its own thread for a good old DJH-style ID fest, but thought I’d throw it in here first. Seriously great stuff!


Gant Man bleeds Chicago. Love this mix so much-


If I made this many banging records I’d play a set of my own music too! -


Danny Tenaglia at his ‘Tribal’ peak featuring aces like Black Moon/White Rain, Oh No, Sexy Dance, Dear Father in Heaven and the use of Janis Joplin ‘Ball and Chain’ that I ripped off for many years.

Edit - any idea why the link is not showing? It’s a Mixcloud one

Danny Tenagla Boxed 95 Cat Bxd 1114 by Buzzinghouse | Mixcloud

Santanio - definitely unrecognized hero of House.

Can hear a nod to Yello but the funk is entirely his own.

Ditto Blake Baxter.

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