Hey all. Any Madrid recommends? A good mate is out there from Monday.
Madrid El Corte Ingles has a cafe on the top floor. Great view of Madrid for free.
I was given that tip by locals one morning after playing records there, and I did do it, but I don’t remember much else due to lack of sleep.
Thanks mate. X
Anything else on Madrid? Anyone?
Going tonight and staying for the weekend.
Musicwise try
Cheers. Let’s see when we’re able to make it out This heat is debilitating.
Heading out soon. Any good record shops people can recommend? Cheers
I asked around in 2022 for Madrid music/food tips and got a couple of useful responses:
*btw Be.Lanuit DJs there too each month at Absenta - a party at Cafe Berlin. Divides his time between Madrid and Ibiza now.
Hey! Nothing’s really that far in Central Madrid, Opera is pretty central! You’re right next to the Taproom under a restaurant called Terra which has some good beer! There are better drinking places, like Be Hoppy (the owners love their old ska and golden age hip hop) and La Maripepa, both places in Barrio de las Letras near the Prado. Lots of stuff round Malasaña. Siroco club was good, the sound system was great but depends on the DJ I guess… Parenthood killed my clubbing days but when old schoolmates came out four years or so I went to a great Northern Soul night in Lavapies, can’t remember the name sadly…
Record shops around, best second hand shops are probably La Metralleta downstairs off Callao (a short walk from Opera) for second hand stuff, Bajo El Volcan in Lavapies for new & second hand, Killers for second hand stuff in Montera between Sol & Gran Via…
Escridiscos has some interesting stuff, new & second hand off Callao and La Gramola near there has a mix of overpriced second hand stuff and tat. Just go down the road to La Metralleta which appears to be in an underground carpark or something. Fácil & Corte Inglés near there also have lots of new vinyl but probably nothing you can’t get in BCN.
The Rastro, the flea market on Sunday has a few record stalls down by where the kids swap stickers and where they sell old magazines…
There’s a reggae and (I think) dance shop called Liquidator up near the Tirso de Molina end of Lavapies, never got round there but it’s meant to have a good selection, if you’re that end check into La Tienda de La Cerveza near La Latina metro, good lads in there, it’s actually a bar not a shop…
If you get to Be Hoppy it actually closes at 9 or something, there’s a guy from Manchester called Darren who works there
Sam Jones (GDN correspondent) provided some excellent food tips too:
This place is really nice but do book as it’s tiny: https://shaogrill.com
Not any central but very good Jordanian/middle eastern food: https://beytnarestaurante.com/en/
Pricey but best Indian we’ve found in Madrid - plus amazing decor and a DJ: https://havelimadrid.com
Much appreciated mate thanks
Top post!
Hopefully going next month, any new recommends? Gracias!