Help with Discogs selling

Anything with 0% feedback is a red flag. You can configure your account to reject orders if the rating is below a certain percentage.

Like Andrew said, looks like a bot / fake account. Is nothing sacred? I’m rapidly losing faith in online transactions.

Edit: Clue is in the name I guess. Very odd?! I’d avoid.


Yep - sorry should have done this before posting - anyway might be useful to someone


I checked the order history and it was making orders left right and centre and getting cancelled.

Just what is the fucking point in doing this. No help to anyone. Very annoying.


That’s why I was confused. Why would a bot call itself a bot?

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That’s not going to get there without a postcode…

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Isn’t it to just target people dumb/internet illiterate enough to fall for these scams? Sorta the same as the nigerian prince email system, saves them time dicking about with people who slowly realise it’s a scam if they just go for the real dumbasses from the start.

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Just had one too…there was a link in the message which I didn’t click.
Can only assume it is a phishing attempt.