Age has finally caught up and i’m now needing glasses for work (and reading and distance - triple whammy). Any recommendations for stylish yet affordable bins in the UK? Think i fancy some thick frames, to make me look exactly like Jeff Goldblum, obvs.
I really like Jimmy Fairly
Just having a look, nice and not too pricey either
I’ve picked up really nice glasses in the sale from Rock Optika and Kirk & Kirk in the past so always worth checking them out although can be hit and miss on availability. However, my current pair are one of my favourites, and they’re from Black Eyewear. Lots of styles, sizes, thicknesses and colours etc. Got mine online but also later visited the shop in Goodge Street and the fella was extremely helpful.
I’m on +1 reading glasses (really uncool cheapos, though would love a classic Michael Caine pair), which might need to be notched up to 1.5 but will do for now. Thankfully ok for long distance/driving. Separate issue with ‘double vision’ diplopia which they operated 3 years ago but only at natural vision not peripheral angles (that’s pretty unpleasant and if you have kids who see double get it treated ASAP as was told mine should never have been left till adulthood)
Have used Polette in the past - they seem ok.
I’m still resisting taking the plunge as have heard that once you start wearing them, your eyesight just continues to deteriorate.
That and the fact that the only frames I like are by Lindberg, which are eye-wateringly expensive!
I was putting it off but the stabbing headaches at work have forced my hand.
Izipizi are my go to
Especially as if you have prescription your eyes adjust a bit
I lose / break so many pairs
Stylish but obviously not affordable…
Cubbits do some okay ones won’t break the bank.
For reading Chris?
The joys of being able to read in 4K is worth it, in my experience anyway. Made it to 45 then went in. Short sight will only get worse whether you wear them or not I think. Distance improves over time with wear from a young age. My dad is 79 and worn distance all his days and now doesn’t need to.
+2.25 reading
-1 for distance
Banton Frameworks for frames
Lenses local - Spex Pistols, Dundee
Have bookmarked this thread !!
Currently getting by with Izipizi readers +1.0 but i’m just delaying the inevitable
Cubitts are my go to if I dont want to break the bank.
My last pair have been a pair of Garrett Leight which I really like.
I’ve bought from these guys in the past when they’ve had discount codes.
so crazy to think there was a time where i could read the fine print on record labels - in a darkened nightclub.
I’m sure there was another thread on glasses at some point. Anyway. Shuron do some great frames and don’t have any visible logos.
Cubitts are my go to like many others on here by the sounds of it…well made, sturdy & look great without breaking the bank, even though they have increased their prices in the last year or so.
Last ones I got were the Smoke Grey - Ampton Bold…though they have alot of colours to choose from & ideal if you are after a thick(ish) frame.
I need to make the jump to bifocals/verifocals, or whatever it is to wear just one pair rather than swapping over from distance to reading ones as i do. Tried some 10 years back & found a bit of a “no mans land” blurred side vision at the time & took them back. Apparently the lens have improved immensely though since then…anyone else have this issue?
I have two pairs from Cubitts. Probably the best customer service I have ever experienced in the two shops they have in Edinburgh, they could not have been more helpful.
Same same although my most recent pair creaked and groaned like an old man’s bones. They were very nice in shop and sent them back. When I got them back they were the same. Gave up after that.
If you’re in London and looking for something a bit different and individual get yourself down to see Lee at Bridges & Brows.
The best bins emporium in town IMHO.