Lots of them (like Eastbourne) are over the sea, which makes a lot more sense
It wasn’t even the first fatal crash at Shoreham
Lots of them (like Eastbourne) are over the sea, which makes a lot more sense
It wasn’t even the first fatal crash at Shoreham
Dolphins put one side of their brain to sleep at a time
they literally sleep with one eye open
Wow, thank goodness you swerved that. I inadvertently saw some spectacularly gruesome photos of the aftermath of this on socials at the time. Horrific
Albatrosses do the same
I remember googling Boris Brejcha and why he wore those masks, turned out he’d been involved in a Air Show disaster when he was a kid and been really badly burned, bullied at school etc… felt like a bit of a twat thinking he looked like one.
I worked as security at Heathrow for a while in the early 90’s (frisking passengers, checking the luggage going through the x-ray machine) and as part of the training they showed us an horrendous video of the aftermath to try and instil the importance of what we were doing into us.
Can only imagine how terrible it was actually being there.
Weird. All of em being called Albert Ross.
Like if we were all called Hugh Mann.
Did that for a year too, one of the worst min wage jobs I ever had, bullying was off the charts.
Totally agree, there was an ex soldier working there at the same time I was who I had a few run in’s with, was a horrible bloke. Because I was the youngest there at the time he thought I was fair game.
Odd place to work, they didn’t renew my contract as I couldn’t hack the shifts and took a load of time off. There was no way on a sunny Saturday I was going to start work at three o’clock when all my mates were going out that night.
I know a few people like that…
OK maybe this is old hat for a lot of folks but I had no idea house don Peter Daou had a political career in the US and was a top Clinton adviser (running her digital campaign in 2016)
He clearly surrendered himself.
I think Ive still got this in my CD collection mixed by Tenaglia
weird right? i met him many years ago when he was out for north by northwest (a portland version of SXSW). at the time i was pretty into vanessa daou’s “zipless” (one of the horniest records every made) so i fanned out on him a little, i’m sure he thought i was a lech.
years later i see his name attached to some hillary initiative and thought “can’t be the same guy, but how many peter daou’s could there be?” a quick googling confirmed that dude is one and the same.
i respect his politics and his hustle, but his pivot to marianne and then dr. cornell didn’t really help keep trump out of the WH did it?
Zipless OMG yes (yes!!) he really had a niche for the horny stuff, didn’t he? He was also involved in what for me, is one of the most erotic records of all time which nearly gives me ecstasy flashbacks, I’m blushing here at work.
More of an Anagam really I guess.
loved that shop - always enthusiastic about sharing new records rather than stashing them away.