Doggy style - let's talk dogs

Did she enjoy it? Me and my daughter are going next weekend. Both pretty excited tbh

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Yeah she said it was brilliant, she’s only 16 and was with her friend and parents. Looks good from the photos she took. Here’s a review from hotpress.

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Been an exceptionally warm summer, until this week, up here in Helsinki. Our 6 year old rescue from Sicily has found a place of respite.


No fool… It’s been getting a little cooler here to in Ireland, our dog was lying next to the freezer for most afternoons…

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Looking after this lil poppet for a week.
She’s been blind for about six months after having her eyes removed.
Amazing happy little soul, finds her way around no problem.


Eyes removed, can I ask why? Never heard of that…

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Not entirely sure…

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It’s usually only done if they have serious pain from things like trauma or cancer or glaucoma.


We’re just back from the vet and these guys were outside waiting to get their injections :flushed: a litter of 12.


Nice read about Adamski’s dog


Looking after our friends 2x dogs today, our dog walks with them most weeks but she has been genuinely put out jealous. One of ones staying threw up on carpet , later then threw up in kitchen & ate it just leaving a wet patch

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Apart from the moody clouds, this is a stunning wee beach about a 10 minute drive from my house.


Looks amazing

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It is. Shallow waters to quite far out and golden sand. Good place for a swim

That’s a lovely story

Saw a very strange dog today…


Theres a lot going on there :grin:

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She said a mammut bulldog :thinking: a new one to me.

Lovely. Now reminiscing about the relevance of growing up with our beloved family dog. You never quite get over losing them,


This is beautifully written and I’m not ashamed to admit I shed a tear.

As the famous quote says: “Dogs’ lives are too short. Their only fault, really.”