Dealing with mental health over age 40

I am on daily Losartan 25mg tablets and have forgotten to take/blanked out my health issues due to my mental health and the way the months fly past.

My last two job roles fills the shoes of a previous victim of stress/death. So stress/genetics mostly,

No booze, caffine, smoking or drugs. Caffine was my one vice and I’m well versed in the side effects of cutting it out dead.


Feeling a bit like summer here this weekend think it’s time for the first dip in the water. I’ve been putting it off all week :grimacing:


Doesn’t ever get any easier.


Had a dip near me this morning, bit cold :cold_face:


Yeah it was freezing… I cycled out and closer I got the temperature was dropping



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Big fan of John Rattray so looking forward to hearing this


Little bit of an update. Or rather the best things that I have found.

  1. Put down the phone
  2. Set a window that you work in (I was notorious for working all hours)
  3. Go for a walk every night with no phone. (When I took my phone I ended up scrolling)
  4. Cut down on sugar.

Getting better. Feeling better.


Get out on a BMX


Apart from watching the odd film or series, I now try to keep to an hour a day screen time.

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Feeling over the hill at 49 when absolutely fucking noone gives your cv a second look. Zen feels a long way off…


I still had mine in my 40s, I gave it up after a policeman half my age stopped me for riding on the pavement with no lights
Sold it to a little kid on Gumtree


I’ve been in my current line of work 20 years next year - varying roles but the same industry. I’m 46 this year and I really don’t want to keep doing this until I retire.
Moving to a different company to do the same thing seems pointless, and looking at vacancies I’m unlikely to get paid more anywhere else, plus it would involve more travel.
Considering the idea of retraining in a different field (exactly what I’m not sure) but that inevitably means taking a fairly big hit on the salary which is a major hurdle.

So that’s good.


Remove your date of birth. It’s not a requirement. Having the skills to do the job you’re applying for is.


I change career about a year and a half ago and it’s the best thing I’ve done. It’s not been easy in terms of finances and being (completely) out my comfort zone, but has been 100% what I needed.
I spent a good 2/3 years contemplating the change, and only wish I’d gone with my intuition earlier.


I’ve never been particularly career minded, fell into what i do now off the back of temping somewhere in 2005. Ive got to a point where to do anything other than a sideways move i would need to go into management which i have even less interest in than what i do now (i cant explain how much i detest sitting in meetings. Anything longer than 20-30 mins seems wildly uncivilised)

Its grim how it all unfolds and at a certain age, your experience almost works against you and narrows your options.


What did you change from and get into ?

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Totally, I was trying to explain this to my oldest son the other day and it sounded weird, but it’s so true. Up the pyramid we go.


I often quote similar. Why does being excellent at your role mean that you’d make a good manager. I’ve been there, done that and am now just too long the tooth to play the game. I’d rather work for an excellent manager than be a mediocre one. I can barely mange myself let alone anyone else.


Its like its a cultural hangover from the days when most people had a trade or did manual labour. You did that, and you didnt change.
With 20-25 years left of my working life i think ive got more than enough time to learn and do something different but convincing an employer of that is a whole other challenge.

Dont get me started on how bad most job adverts are. No salary mentioned on half of them + the most generic descriptions of duties imaginable eg “team player”, “managing workload” etc

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