Bobby DJ Mix

Hi Test Pressers, hope everyone is well. I stumbled across this in one of my Mixcloud spiderholes and it felt special enough to break my internet embargo and share it with y’all because it deserves way more visibility. If you are in to the history of disco then you’ve read again and again how important and formative the contributions of Bobby Guttadaro were, but like me you’ve probably never actually heard him PLAY. Well here comes mostly retired greatest Mixcloud poster Don Lass to remedy that.

This mix continues in to four subsequent parts, with superb sound quality and is like a textbook of the salad days of NYC dance music before formula and market saturation set in.

The realness and foundation


Hey Doc, good to hear from you and thanks for sharing the goodness. Will be listening to this on my drive home

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Nice. Thank you.

Hope all well with you? Welcome back!

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Good to see you, hope all is good.

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Thanks, doc. Nice to see you.

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never were the words “quality over quantity” more appropriate! :slightly_smiling_face:

keep on keepin’ on!

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