2024 reviews

And yet the entire album is 26 minutes long - 11 tracks FFS.

I just don’t get it.

Yeah I was listening in the car today and I was back to track 1 so quickly I thought it had skipped. It’s basically an ep and some sketches. Sounds great to me though.

Is it by the Ramones?

Just checked that Prince edit - the Crystal Waters mash up on the flip is pretty bonkers!

Got Susumu Yokota’s Acid Mt Fuji comp for Christmas from my youngest, its so good and a real latecomer highlight of 2024.


My little annual rundown review year in music type thing… 2024 – Great Leap Forward – pauleast77


Excellent stuff Paul thank you for sharing, great read that. :smiley:

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Cheers @AndrewFlying you’re very kind :pray:

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Electro When Doves Cry - I’m in :grinning:. Yet another off-key gypsy woman mash-up, not so much. Scary amount of those this year.

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I really enjoyed this. Love that we all swim in vaguely the same waters but all have nuggets of information that have criminally passed others by. The radio show recommendations are spot on and besides Joe and Howler I’m not as regular as I should be. That will change in 2025.

As much as I applaud this, “ there’s still treasure to be found on Discogs by searching for ‘dub mix’ and filtering on 1983” would everyone mind holding off until February so I can have a real go at it first?


No promises @Casual :wink:

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Got loads of work to do so felt like a great time to knuckle down and put a list together… Big thanks to the forum and everyone running it, actively contributing and sharing. Turned my ear towards lots of great stuff throughout the year.

I’m at least 24 month off the pace so will probably have my list nailed down by early 2026. A few random bits amongst the obvious contenders worth a shout though.

EPs / Singles

Mysterytiime -Thank you deeply. [No, thank YOU. Standout record and song.]
Crooked Transmissions - Mega (Crooked) [Wild energy on this. 2 mins in onwards just blows my mind. Cant play this album in the car]
Richard Norris - Oracle Sound vol III. [Grower.]
Coral D - (everything) [Class.]
Knopha - Water Play


Jonny From Space - back then I didn’t but now I do

Holy Tongue and Shackleton

Numa Gama - A spectral turn. [random bandcamp thing. Love it. Great techno.]

New Old / Reissues etc

Mixmaster Morris, Jonah Sharp, Haruomi Hosono - Quiet Logic

Mixman - The Early Dubs

Mixes / Radio
TP mixes (DipFrisco, John Gomez etc)
Forum mixes from everyone who chucks them in there tbh
Toby Tobias on Balaami
Apiento NTS
Silver Rox - loved this radio show, thanks @elzorro

Record shop -
Plugd, Cork. Ireland’s Piccadilly Records (or similar, but unique).


Ive seen this in a few end of year charts but looks to be not out
Anyone got it (promo?)


Looks like Dubwise still have copies of the first press:

Prince Philip Presents: Dubplates & Raw Rhythm from King Tubby’s Studi – Dubwise Vinyl


Just want to say thanks for everyone’s contributions. The Parkway comp, that Jeff Mills track, the Mudd album, Automatic Tasty, Jeff Parker, Quiet Village, Loidis….all stuff I didn’t get to during the year but loving over the holiday break. Thanks folks!


I’ve got it. It sold out quickly. Really nice.

Some of my favourites this year INPO:

The Black Dog - Other, like me

Paranoid London - Arseholes Liars & Electronic Pioneers

British Murder Boys - Active Agents and House Boys

Alex Kassian and Mad Professor - ‘E2–E4 - A Reference to E2–E4’

Amyl and the Sniffers - Cartoon Darkness

JAMC - Glasgow Eyes

Reissue: Plastikman Music

The Zone of Interest
Perfect Days
The Substance
Poor Things
Robot Dreams


I don’t think this album was mentioned… Big favourite around ours.


Great innit

Dub Vendor still have it for those looking.

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