Thoroughly depressing if true but I remember a similar story about Netflix introducing an option to skip long dialogue scenes which never materialised so I remain sceptical
Recently finished J.G. Ballard’s “The Drowned World”. Enjoyed the basics, especially since I read it on a week that was hovering around a balmy 40 degrees. Don’t like the undertones of weird racism and sexism, but he’s definitely not the only writer from that era that focussed on a colonial white patriarchy.
Worth a read, as are several of his books.
I always go back to both volumes of his short stories, well worth a purchase
Mason and Dixon by Thomas Pychon. A mad ride at the confluence of science, technology, exploration, physics.
A busy man but I do wish ‘Rotter’ wrote on here. He always added value on DJH. Some killer tunes here, from Masimbabele all the way through to Auntie Flo.
Time Actor is such a brilliant tune. I didn’t know it through Alfos, but it makes sense that it would have been popular.
Do Books are having a ‘seconds’ sale
I saw that Ross Ulbricht just got pardoned. The ‘Silk Road’ dark net always posed a bit of an ethical challenge to cyber libertarians. A really good article on it all from 10 years ago.