What are you YouTubeing right now?

Yeah :rofl::rofl: brilliant


This one got me!


does he actually believe heā€™s a good actor or is all a knowing send-up? can never be sureā€¦

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I did see him perform in a Harold Pinter play a good few years ago (directed by Pinter who, if I recall correctly, was also in the cast), and he was very good as one of the unsettling henchmen.

A great little video of Sides DC in Dublin


Now thatā€™s dedication, right there!


New Andy Kauffman doc trailer - produced by the Safdie Brothers.

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youtubeā€™s got really bad for ads. Feels like theyā€™re trying to drive everyone to premium

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If youā€™re on Android Vanced works pretty well, blocks ads

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U-Block Origin browser extension kills YouTube ads, dead.

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Thank you.

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this put me off, but most things Iā€™ve added as extensions or subscribed to probably have similar access to my data?

Canā€™t see how it would need all that of that just to block ads - presumably they want your data to make money. Even if itā€™s all above board, and maybe all ad blockers do this now, but being able to access your data for all websites is a real security risk - logon details, financial stuff. Scary.

Finally, one I knew 85% of the tunes on! haha


Not out to persuade anyone, but use of uBlock Origin is standard practise in the developer/IT community. Itā€™s open source software so subject to the scrunity that provides. Hereā€™s their privacy policy.

However, Google are currently trying to shut down UBlock Origin in Chrome, because their entire business model is based on tracking everything you do in that browser and selling the data (Iā€™m using Firefox FWIW).

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Another option - Brave browser


Yep, this is what I use. Works great.

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Yeah thatā€™s a bit easier than normal.

There are 3 tracks in there that are on a single Weatherall tape I posted here a few years backšŸ¤“
And Prosumer IDā€™d another one for me when I heard him spin it years later!

Danny Baker delves into the tribal zones of UK Jazz Funk collectors and DJs.1980.