What are you listening to now, I mean right now in this moment?

Just spent the evening with my old best mate from school, going through a few tunes we used to jump around his front room to.
He’d been brought up in Jamaica and arrived in 1977 with a load of singles this 12yo had never heard anything like.
Its been brilliant to reminisce, here are a few of my absolute faves:

Neville Hynes - Afro

Ernie Smith - Duppy Gun Man

Pluto Shervington - Ram Goat Liver

Pluto again -Dat


Orlando Voorn :+1::+1: this track was big here all summer,… glorious :green_heart:

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The only Vivien Goldman with Flo last week

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New Opal Sunn sounding mighty nice

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Love her voice on this

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Really looking forward to this


i’ve listened to the new kelly lee owens a couple of times, and it hasn’t grabbed me. really liked her first two records, but it seems like she’s moving in a more commercial sort of club direction and i’m finding it a bit generic.

i like her vocals but they are more upfront in the mix this time, and i think that’s putting me off a bit - it’s got a real pop music mix going on this time around.


In a cab home listening to the 2hr recording me and my pal made at Pirate studios after a long lunch. I’ll post it at some point. We nailed it after lunch and wonky afters. Life affirming afternoon. X


Must of missed this last year but fuck me this sounds so good right now


Random pull from the racks this afternoon. Happy Saturday

OD* - Shplittin’ The Shtones

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Seeing Pacific on the TP Instagram made me dig out the the Bonesbreaks. Used to absolutely love it!


New Sade on BBC 6music new red hot compilation.


The guy who put those comps together, or at least the initial few, is a proper creep.

Stuart Maconie standing in for Craig C playing Malcom X : No Sell Out

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It’s for a good cause and she’s done it for her son too who is trans.


An hour of System Olympia in Panorama bar last week. :raised_hands:

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& now Larry remix of Double Cross by First Choice
Much better than Craigs trot out of obvious classics

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Steve Monite ‘only you’ is such a tuuune


A good mate sent me a few tracks he’s recorded

It wasn’t a slight on her at all, just whenever I see Red Hot I think of the absolutely awful things that dude did to a very impressionable young lady trying to have a swing at the music industry.