Just spent the evening with my old best mate from school, going through a few tunes we used to jump around his front room to.
He’d been brought up in Jamaica and arrived in 1977 with a load of singles this 12yo had never heard anything like.
Its been brilliant to reminisce, here are a few of my absolute faves:
i’ve listened to the new kelly lee owens a couple of times, and it hasn’t grabbed me. really liked her first two records, but it seems like she’s moving in a more commercial sort of club direction and i’m finding it a bit generic.
i like her vocals but they are more upfront in the mix this time, and i think that’s putting me off a bit - it’s got a real pop music mix going on this time around.
In a cab home listening to the 2hr recording me and my pal made at Pirate studios after a long lunch. I’ll post it at some point. We nailed it after lunch and wonky afters. Life affirming afternoon. X
It wasn’t a slight on her at all, just whenever I see Red Hot I think of the absolutely awful things that dude did to a very impressionable young lady trying to have a swing at the music industry.