Trump Harris debate

Where are the channels that could give the most objective state of affairs concerning this election? I’m very interested in the development and outcome but the problem is that once you start watching biased videos on YT and other platforms you only get a biased feed of information or get steered into an algoritm bubble…

Not CNN, Fox, MSNBC, etc. All inflammatory and honestly all wanting Trump to win so they can broadcast the rage 24/7.

I think the most balanced may be a foreign outlet and honestly might be Al Jazeera.


i like to note that this is 51-49 of the engaged electorate. only about 65% of eligible US voters vote. trump obviously has his enthusiasts, and plenty of people hold their nose and pull the lever for whoever’s got the R next to their name, but his fanatics make up far less than “half of the population”. whenever the twitter assholes try and shout that they’re half the country, i smile knowing that they’re really a subset of a subset. i’d say less than a quarter.

still, there’s a whole lot more of them than i would have ever expected in my lifetime.

when it comes to the perpetual horse race, it always feels to me like the other side’s numbers are artificially inflated to try and match whover’s got the momentum. that’s why hillary shit the bed - she thought she had the momentum and that trump was a reaction, and she was wrong.

i know quite a few folks who just straight up don’t participate. never voted, never held much of a strong opinion, and don’t pay much attention to who’s saying what or who’s currently in office. they certainly don’t think of themselves as red/blue or left/right. there’s lots of times i wish i could be that way.

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65% is pretty standard the world over bar places like Australia. Last election in the UK was just shy of 60% and South Africa was around the same.

I think you’re missing my point.

I’m referring to those disenchanted entirely by the two party system. Let’s face it a vote for Trump isn’t really a vote for the Republic party in any traditional sense. He’s trying to tear the two party system apart from the inside.

Your argument seems centred around and limited by the nuances of opinion within the two party system, assuming Trump to be part of that in any conventional sense.

A vote for Trump in my opinion is anything but- this article highlights the point I’m trying to make:


Trump is a symptom, not a cause. Same with Brexit and a lot of the ruptures in the politics of democracies around the World.


I’m still going to disagree. I don’t think for a second democrats are blinkered and just want everything to be as it was as that article suggests. Go to any local town council meeting or mayoral town hall and you’ll see people from both sides willing to rip it all up and start again.

This part is true though, “ What if we assumed that Trump supporters are rational actors making a sensible choice that conforms with their point of view?”

I absolutely believe this. Rednecking republicans is a major fault on the part of the media. They’re voting because they believe in the narrow world view of the likes of Trump, Johnson, Miller et al much like I’m assuming those who support Farage in England believe in his view of the world. They’re not ignorant, they’re dangerous.


“I don’t think for a second democrats are blinkered and just want everything to be as it was as that article suggests”

I don’t think it does suggest that though?

“Biden asks the electorate to keep its blinders on and pretend that the American system can keep staggering along this way for another four years or more.”

This isn’t really about dyed in the wool Republicans or Democrats arguing the toss in town hall meetings. That’s a given I would think.

To my mind this is the voice of the undecideds and the disenchanted and those let down by the system, with no clear allegiance in many cases, seeing a third way that doesn’t follow the rules of traditional political discourse.
Some US voters are clearly sick of differences of opinion-they wanted a difference in approach.
As dreadful as he might be, that’s what Trump offered-albeit exploiting the Republican Party as a vehicle to achieve that aim.

I just hope he isn’t successful a second time.

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We’ve reached the part of the election cycle where caravans of trump supporters drive through towns honking horns and flying flags but they used to run 50-60 cars deep and today it was about 10 and lots of people counter protesting with boos. First time I’ve had hope this may not be a win for trump in a while.


Not sure how many of you are interested in the lawn signs but here are 3 of my favorites.

Trump/Vance ones are just fear mongering nonsense.


That 2nd one :heart_eyes:

People usually toss them after the election. If I see it I’ll grab it for you.

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Bumper sticker bizness


There’s one up the street that says Mass Alien Abduction 2024. Oh and the usual Wu-Tang is Forever signs.



i mentioned before that i usually go into hiding at the oregon coast around this time - well, this has been the first one in the last three election cycles where i didn’t see a single caravan and only a couple of trump signs along the journey.

i want to take that as an indicator of good things to come, but i’m smarter than that. i’m sure the intent is still there, beneath the surface.


“Peter! You’ve broken the politics.”