Is it just me or are YouTube links unclickable on Chrome?
Unclickable with Chrome on Mac here
It’s not just you!
Been like that for a while now.
Its just you @MGG
Likely the Secret Service have hacked you
Definitely just you.
But we are also looking at fixing it for you.
I’d be scared but the Brazilian Secret Service are akin to Clouseau on a smaller budget.
R.I.P. to the ‘What are you YouTubeing right now?’ thread, one of my faves, i’ll miss ya
Try logging out and back in on YT, that fixed it for me
And we’re back… sorry about that. This thing costs a bit to run and I think we need to give it more memory…
Shout to soundsystem man and forum fixer @Vinny
Mine looks like it’s from a few days ago? Has it lost a chunk of recent posts?
Yeah. We had to run a back up to get it back!
Paul, if you think it’s a good idea you could run a once a year campaign for fundraising the forum costs. I’m a member of a few forums that do this, i’d be happy to chip in and help!
Happy to make a donation to the cause
Yeah, I’m sure we can cover it as a collective x
Phew I thought it was only me and you lot guessed I was on a 3 day bender…
Yeah I might do it. It does add up over the year. Let me ponder. Thank you x
Likewise happy to contribute to the running costs.
More than happy to contribute. It’s a valuable space of goodwill and bonhomie. Been introduced to so much good music here too
Me too. Thought that nasty progressive house overload virus had crashed it