Mash is long gone!
Fella that ran it, Abdul, now has a fancy hotel outside Marrakesh
Mash is long gone!
Fella that ran it, Abdul, now has a fancy hotel outside Marrakesh
Release the groove
Jean Claude
What about Fly clothing
Never heard of this but so much good stuff on the website. Cheers for the share.
Wasn’t that in the bluebird garages on kings road?
Yeah late 80s. Think it moved to Kensington market last time I was there 1990/91
A strange amount of Folk at BJ Maxx at the moment
Lots of new Folk stuff on Vinted as well at the moment.
I think they are making stuff specifically for TK Maxx (a lot of brands do).
I’ve always thought that, the quality of most of the Folk stuff you get in there is shite compared to the proper stuff
Yeah it’s made for tk maxx! It all fits damn awful too. Tried a few bits on and nothing looked good
Always loads of Folk on Vinted, “new with tags” stuff. I wonder why?
Maybe it’s the TK Max gear
Folk knows mate!
Good to know!
All made with much cheaper components - Ralph Lauren being the worst culprit. Folk, Edwin, Calvin Klein, Moschino, etc. I read somewhere that up to 40% of the stuff TKM stocks is ‘made to order’ specifically for them.
If you check the price tag, there is a code number ramging from 1-9 in tne right hand corner that tells you the item’s origin story.
1- it’s been made for them.
2 - unsold stock from another retailer/brand
5 - clearance item
7 - previous year’s stock
8 - genuine designer discount (iirc)
Paul Smith sell stuff in their outlet stores at Macarthur Glen that is never in the regular range.
Theory do the same but outlet/TJM prices over here are a hair’s breadth from full retail.
Some decent bits in the Auteur sale
Mostly sold out in large
Good knowledge. Makes sense. A friend of mine who used to run a shop in Camden always used to say that the sales items were completely different to the rest of the year