Surprised he didn’t go full twat and keep his tie on but tucked into his shirt.
Who is this guy?
The UK Prime Minister unfortunately
There’s a beer called Black Dub? Where do I get some
That pint he’s pulled… Half of it is froth, sort of fits.
It’s just weird that every PM has to do this, even when they’re a teetotal Hindu. No wonder he looks uncomfortable.
Not as bad as Boris mopping the floor though.
Excuse me for my USA ignorance, but why is the highest ranking leader of your government forced to pour a beer?
well he’s just proving that he’s a ‘bloody bloke’, 'cause bloody blokes like a nice pint. He’s really one of us, despite the £700m fortune he’s married into. The look on the woman’s face behind him is funny.
It’s just a photo opportunity that they all seem to have to do at some point, not written into the rules but might as well be
It’s the look that says “this twat has never been in a pub at any point in his life”. You’d think by now the multi-millionaire PM might have clocked that the way to appeal to ‘normal people’ is to not fuck them over on a daily basis with his policies as opposed to posing with a pint.
100%, you and I and I imagine many others feel the same, depressingly though there’s millions of our compatriots who don’t see it that way. To paraphrase SuperHans… You can’t trust the public, you end up with Nazis and Coldplay!
People supposedly voted for Boris because they thought he was a good bloke and could imagine having a good time with him down the pub.
I can’t think of anything worse than an evening with Boris In the pub with him spaffing sudo intellectual Eton bullshit.
However it works. Photo with pint = man of the people
That’s a really shit pint. He might want to let it settle
Photo opp in a pub is closely followed by photo op in a hi vis + hard hat.
I think its because the advisors to these twats are equally as thick as their bosses and keep going with the same “you’ll look relatable, take your tie off” bollocks they’ve been doing for the last 30 years or so.
100%, pure laziness.
Not forgetting the obligatory mug of tea in the canteen.